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Take a moment to sign our petition. Iowa families should not have to choose between earning a livelihood and healthy pregnancies and Iowa employers deserve a clear, common-sense rule that is easy to follow.

Contact Your Legislators 

Ask your Iowa state Senator and Representative to support the Iowa Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Contact your legislator here.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Take a moment to write a letter to the editor or guest column to your local paper. Check your paper's opinion page or web page for details. Letters that are short (200 words or less) and short columns (500 words or less) have the best chance for publication.

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We are looking for stories of pregnant workers in Iowa who were not accommodated at work or were fired or reprimanded because they insisted on accommodation. Maybe they were given a lifting restriction by their doctor or they needed extra time off for doctor's appointments, but their boss wouldn't accommodate that. Contact us here with your story.

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